Get Involved
With nearly 25,000 abortions annually taking place in North Carolina of which 1,500 are in Guilford County each year,
YOUR help is vital to reaching and saving lives.
YOUR help is vital to reaching and saving lives.
Together... we inspire new life, impact futures, and grow a healthier community!
Give a DonationYour financial investment to New Life Family Outreach at any level makes a significant impact in our local community. Your donation makes a difference for life and for eternity.
VolunteerUse your gifts and talents to save unborn babies and minister to women, couples and families in our community. For just a few hours each week, you can be on the front lines of saving lives both physically and spiritually and make an eternal difference.
Become a Ministry Partner
ChurchesBecome one of our local mission partners and learn how the body of Christ can unite together to help fulfill our mission to protect the sanctity of life, promote Biblical sexuality and proclaim God’s plan for marriage and the family while sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. From funding to prayer partners, there are a variety of ways for your church to get involved.
IndividualsAs concerned citizens, we share a common cause and responsibility to foster healthy spiritual, emotional and physical growth. Join our mission network and together we will see the fruit of lives, families and our community changed as result of sharing God’s message of life and hope in Christ.
BusinessesIf you desire for your business to make a difference for life in our community, New Life Family Outreach needs you! When you partner with us, we’re able to dedicate more funding directly to reaching women and saving unborn babies. Explore how your business can get involved from sponsoring an event or community service project to donating in-kind services or matching gifts.
StudentsWe are all born with the ability to change someone's life, don't ever waste it. Regardless of age you can be an inspriration and make a difference in our community. Use your God-given gifts, talents, and abilities to be a leader and lead the change!
I'm Interested. What Now?
Fill out a volunteer application and email to d[email protected]